Database of cinema, music, history and literature

tiger eyes (2012)

Original title: tiger eyes
Production: USA|92 min
Poster of movie tiger eyes
after davey's father is killed in a hold-up, she and her mother and younger brother visit relatives in new mexico. here davey is befriended by a young man who helps her find the strength to carry on and conquer her fears.

Origin of the subject


Lawrence Blumeregista

Production and Screenplay

Ileen Maiselproduttore
Mark Ordeskyproduttore
George CooperGeorge Cooperproduttore esecutivo
Linda Moranproduttore
Lawrence Blumeproduttore
Lawrence Blumesceneggiatore
Judy Blumeproduttore
Judy Blumesceneggiatore
Jane Flemingproduttore esecutivo
Lawrence Elmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Teo OlivaresTeo Olivares(età:22)
ned grodzinski
davey wexler
Willa HollandWilla Holland(età:21)
gwen wexler
wolf / martin ortiz
Tatanka Means(età:27)
jane albertson
Elise EberleElise Eberle(età:19)
jason wexler
willie ortiz
Russell MeansRussell Means(età:73)
adam wexler
Judy Blume(età:74)
Kat SawyerKat Sawyer(età:60)
John Gibbs(età:33)
Cyd Schulte(età:37)

Technical staff

Kerry Bardencasting
Nathan Larsonmusiche
Sharon Lomofskyscenografo
Wilhelm Pfauarredatore
Seamus Tierneydirettore della fotografia
Jennifer Janeparrucchiere
Yvette Meelyparrucchiere
Jay Freundmontatore
Tere Duncancostumista
Catherine Conradtruccatore
Paul Schneecasting
Jolynn Nietoparrucchiere
Jo edna Boldincasting

Music tracks of the soundtrack