Database of cinema, music, history and literature

tigerland (2000)

Original title: tigerland
Production: USA|101 min|
Dramatic, War
1971, six years after the start of the war in vietnam, the country is increasingly divided over whether to continue in a conflict that seems to have no end and meaning. yet we continue to leave for the front, as happens with a group of young men sent to tigerland, the training camp where the jungle war is simulated, the last stage of the real war. among these is bozz, a simple undisciplined, rebellious soldier and art specialist who helps his colleagues to earn an exemption in extremis, even paying in person.


Joel SchumacherJoel Schumacherregista

Production and Screenplay

Joel SchumacherJoel Schumachersceneggiatore
Arnon MilchanArnon Milchanproduttore
Stephen Haftproduttore
Michael Mcgruthersceneggiatore
Ross Klavansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

roland bozz
Colin FarrellColin Farrell(età:24)
jim paxton
Matthew DavisMatthew Davis(età:22)
Shea WhighamShea Whigham(età:31)
sergente cota
Cole HauserCole Hauser(età:25)
Cole HauserCole Hauser(età:25)
Tom GuiryTom Guiry(età:19)
soldato jamoa kearns
soldato ryan
Tory KittlesTory Kittles(età:25)
sergente filmore
cap. saunders
Nick SearcyNick Searcy(età:41)
sergente eveland
Matt GeraldMatt Gerald(età:30)
james macdonald
sergente Thomas
sergente landers
Afemo OmilamiAfemo Omilami(età:50)
serg. filmore
serg. cota
serg. thomas
serg. landers
Jeff HephnerJeff Hephner(età:25)

Technical staff

Mark StevensMark Stevensmontatore
Nathan Larsonmusiche
Andrew Lawsscenografo
Matthew LibatiqueMatthew Libatiquedirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Claudio CaponeClaudio Capone Voice of serg. filmore
Piero TiberiPiero Tiberi Voice of serg. landers
Massimo LodoloMassimo Lodolo Voice of serg. cota
Michele D'AncaMichele D'Anca Voice of Johnson
Gerolamo AlchieriGerolamo Alchieri Voice of serg. thomas