Database of cinema, music, history and literature

time to run (1973)

Original title: time to run
Poster of movie time to run
jeff is in conflict with everything; his girlfriend, mom, dad but especially himself. in frustration, he strikes out against his dad by vandalizing equipment at a nuclear plant where he's supervisor. jeff eludes capture and hits the road.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Allan Sloanesceneggiatore
Frank R. jacobsonproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Ed NelsonEd Nelson(età:45)
Alvy MooreAlvy Moore(età:48)
Ty Henderson(età:20)
Billy Graham(età:55)
Booth ColmanBooth Colman(età:50)
Keith Walker(età:38)
John Alderman(età:39)
Rickey Kelman(età:24)
Billy Zoom(età:25)

Technical staff

Dale Hennessyscenografo
Charles Rosher jr.direttore della fotografia
ManCharles Blackmantruccatore
Sugar Blymyerparrucchiere
Tedd Smithmusiche