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Time to Say Goodbye? (1997)

Original title: time to say goodbye?
Production: USA|91 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Time to Say Goodbye?
a doctor suffering from alzheimer's wishes to end his life, causing a severe rift in the family, with each side convinced they have the father's best interests at heart.


Production and Screenplay

David Seidlerscrittore
Jacqueline Featherscrittore
Julian Marksproduttore
Bonnie Forbesproduttore
Mark Winemakerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

John NevilleJohn Neville(età:72)
Richard KileyRichard Kiley(età:75)
Philip AkinPhilip Akin(età:47)
Alex CarterAlex Carter(età:33)
David EisnerDavid Eisner(età:39)

Technical staff

Mike Fashdirettore della fotografia
Fern Championcasting
Jordan Samueltruccatore
Colin Irvingparrucchiere
Mark Paladinicasting
Nigel Hutchinsarredatore
Alistair Macraescenografo
Noreen Landrycostumista