Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Tomorrow We Move (2004)

Original title: demain on déménage
Production: Belgium, France
Poster of movie Tomorrow We Move
charlotte is single. she tries to write erotic books to survive without her mind being in the least absorbed by eroticism or desire.

Festivals and awards


Chantal AkermanChantal Akermanregista

Production and Screenplay

Paulo BrancoPaulo Brancoproduttore
Chantal AkermanChantal Akermansceneggiatore
Eric De kuypersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Lucas Belvaux(età:43)
WomanSylvie Testud(età:33)
Eric GodonEric Godon(età:45)
Nade Dieu(età:31)

Technical staff

Sabine Lancelindirettore della fotografia
Christian Martiscenografo
Regine Constantscenografo
Nathalie Du roscoatcostumista
Claire Athertonmontatore
Marie-Laure Vallaarredatore
Sophie Benaichetruccatore