too big to fail [filmTV] (2011)
Original title: too big to fail
110 min| tv movie
Festivals and awards

Production and Screenplay

Peter Gould: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
henry paulson
Warren Buffett
ben bernanke
timothy geithner
jim wilkinson
rick fuld
jamie dimon
john mack
john thain
joseph gregory
bob willumstad
tom mason
vikram pandit
michele davis
dan jester
chris flowers
erin callan
christopher cox
barney frank
wendy paulson
lloyd blankfein
neel kashkari
greg curl
bart mcdade
christine lagarde
nancy pelosi





















Thomas Boyd mason(età:92)
Technical staff
Barbara Tulliver: montatore
Plummy Tucker: montatore
Marcelo Zarvos: musiche
Kramer Morgenthau: direttore della fotografia
Franckie Diago: scenografo