Database of cinema, music, history and literature

topper takes a trip (1938)

Original title: topper takes a trip
80 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jack Jevnesceneggiatore
Eddie Moransceneggiatore
Corey Fordsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

fantasma di mrs.Kirby
Billie Burke
alan mowbray
verree teasdale
franklin pangborn
alexander d'arcy
paul hurst
armand kaliz
eddie conrad
spencer charters
irving pichel
leon belasco
Roland YoungRoland Young(età:51)
Alan MowbrayAlan Mowbray(età:42)
Irving PichelIrving Pichel(età:47)
Billie BurkeBillie Burke(età:54)
Paul HurstPaul Hurst(età:50)
Leon Belasco(età:36)
Armand KalizArmand Kaliz(età:51)
Eddie Conrad(età:46)

Technical staff

Roy Seawrighteffetti speciali