Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Touched by Love (1980)

Original title: touched by love
95 min
Poster of movie Touched by Love
a young nurse becomes determined to reach an unresponsive teenage cerebral palsy patient by encouraging her to write to her favorite rock singer, elvis presley.

Festivals and awards


Gus TrikonisGus Trikonisregista

Production and Screenplay

Hesper Andersonsceneggiatore
Peter e. Straussproduttore esecutivo
Michael Vinerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

lena canada
dr. bell
John AmosJohn Amos(età:41)
Diane LaneDiane Lane(età:15)
Mary WickesMary Wickes(età:68)
Clu GulagerClu Gulager(età:52)

Technical staff

Moss MabryMoss Mabrycostumista
Richard H. KlineRichard H. Klinedirettore della fotografia
John BarryJohn Barrymusiche
Carolyn Eliasparrucchiere
Fred A. chulackmontatore
Claudio Guzmanscenografo
Ray Molyneauxscenografo
Ray Molyneauxarredatore
Jack Freemantruccatore
WomanJan Newmantruccatore
Jennifer Shullcasting
Iloe Elliottparrucchiere