Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Trail of the Beast (2022)

Original title: trag divljaci
105 min| black and white and colors
Dramatic, Thriller, Storico
Poster of movie Trail of the Beast

Festivals and awards


Nenad Pavlovicregista

Production and Screenplay

Dimitrije Vojnovscrittore
Nenad Pavlovicscrittore
Goran Bjelogrlicproduttore esecutivo
Ljubomir Bozovicproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Nada SarginNada Sargin(età:45)
Jovo Maksic(età:50)

Technical staff

Momirka Bailoviccostumista
Marija Kovacevictruccatore
Jovana Grahovacscenografo