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transformers - la vendetta del caduto (2009)

Original title: transformers: revenge of the fallen
Production: USA|150 min
Science fiction, Action, Thriller
Poster of movie transformers - la vendetta del caduto
This movie is episode 2 of the series Transformers composed by:

Festivals and awards


Michael BayMichael Bayregista

Production and Screenplay

Steven SpielbergSteven Spielbergproduttore
Don Murphyproduttore
Ehren KrugerEhren Krugersceneggiatore
Alex KurtzmanAlex Kurtzmansceneggiatore
Roberto OrciRoberto Orcisceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Shia LaBeoufShia LaBeouf(età:23)
(Sam Witwicky)
Megan FoxMegan Fox(età:23)
(mikaela banes)
Josh DuhamelJosh Duhamel(età:37)
(maggiore lennox)
John TurturroJohn Turturro(età:52)
(agente simmons)
Ramón RodríguezRamón Rodríguez(età:30)
(leo spitz)
Tyrese GibsonTyrese Gibson(età:31)
(sergente epps)
Kevin DunnKevin Dunn(età:53)
(Ron Witwicky)
White JulieWhite Julie(età:48)
(Judy Witwicky)
Isabel LucasIsabel Lucas(età:24)
Rainn WilsonRainn Wilson(età:43)
(prof. colan)
Jonathon Trent(età:25)
Walker Howard
Matthew MarsdenMatthew Marsden(età:36)
Optimus Prime
skids e wheelie
the fallen
soundwawe, devastator, grindor
rampage, prime #2
prime #3
prime #1
wheelbot, demolishor
David BoweDavid Bowe(età:45)
Tony ToddTony Todd(età:55)
Reno WilsonReno Wilson(età:39)
Deep RoyDeep Roy(età:52)
Cas AnvarCas Anvar(età:33)
Mark Ryan(età:53)
America OlivoAmerica Olivo(età:31)
Josh KellyJosh Kelly(età:27)

Technical staff

Paul Rubellmontatore
Deborah Lynn scottcostumista
Nigel PhelpsNigel Phelpsscenografo
Scott Farrareffetti speciali
Gary Summerstecnico del suono
Greg P.russellGreg P.russelltecnico del suono
Geoffrey Pattersontecnico del suono
Ben Seresindirettore della fotografia
Joel Negronmontatore
Roger BartonRoger Bartonmontatore
Steve JablonskySteve Jablonskymusiche
Thomas A. Muldoonmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)

Fabrizio MazzottaFabrizio Mazzotta Voice of doktor
Luca Dal FabbroLuca Dal Fabbro Voice of wheelie
Angelo NicotraAngelo Nicotra Voice of Ratchet
Francesco De FrancescoFrancesco De Francesco Voice of wheelbot
Luca BiaginiLuca Biagini Voice of Megatron
Chiara ColizziChiara Colizzi Voice of arcee
Alessandro RossiAlessandro Rossi Voice of Optimus Prime
Gaetano VarcasiaGaetano Varcasia Voice of the fallen
Davide LeporeDavide Lepore Voice of mudflap
Roberto PediciniRoberto Pedicini Voice of Ironhide

Version Originale(2009)

Jess HarnellJess Harnell Voice of Ironhide
John Di crosta Voice of doktor
Hugo WeavingHugo Weaving Voice of Megatron
Reno WilsonReno Wilson Voice of mudflap
Robert FoxworthRobert Foxworth Voice of Ratchet
Kevin Michael RichardsonKevin Michael Richardson Voice of rampage, prime #2
Tony ToddTony Todd Voice of the fallen
Tom KennyTom Kenny Voice of skids e wheelie
Mark Ryan Voice of jetfire
Peter CullenPeter Cullen Voice of Optimus Prime
Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of soundwawe, devastator, grindor
André Sogliuzzo Voice of sideswipe
WomanGrey Griffin Voice of arcee

Music tracks of the soundtrack