Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dreams Are Like Wild Tigers (2021)

Original title: träume sind wie wilde tiger
95 min
Poster of movie Dreams Are Like Wild Tigers

Festivals and awards


Lars Montagregista

Production and Screenplay

Murmel Clausensceneggiatore
Lars Montagproduttore
Lars Montagsceneggiatore
Sathyan Rameshsceneggiatore
Alexander Thiesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Herbert Knaup(età:65)
Nina Petri(età:58)
Simon Schwarz(età:50)

Technical staff

Uwe Bünkercasting
Andreas Schmidscenografo
Jana Schulzetruccatore
Johannes Repkamusiche
Hanna Riehmtruccatore
Maria Klingnerarredatore