Database of cinema, music, history and literature

trollhunter (2010)

Original title: trolljegeren
103 min
Horror, Science fiction, Dramatic
Poster of movie trollhunter
a group of students investigates a series of mysterious bear killings, but learns that there are much more dangerous things going on. they start to follow a mysterious hunter, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.

Festivals and awards


André ØvredalAndré Øvredalregista

Production and Screenplay

John M.jacobsenproduttore
Sally Marrproduttore
André ØvredalAndré Øvredalsceneggiatore
André ØvredalAndré Øvredalscrittore
Trond G. lockertsenproduttore
Sveinung Golimoproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Technical staff

Perry Eriksenmontatore
Jannecke Bervelcasting
Stina Lundecostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2010)