Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Other Woman (2014)

Original title: the other woman
Production: USA|109 min
Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie The Other Woman
after discovering her boyfriend is married, carly soon meets the wife he's been betraying. and when yet another love affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot revenge on the three-timing s.o.b.

Festivals and awards


Nick CassavetesNick Cassavetesregista

Production and Screenplay

Julie Yornproduttore
Chuck Pachecoproduttore esecutivo
Melissa Stacksceneggiatore
Melissa Stackscrittore
Donald j. lee Jr.produttore esecutivo
Maguy R. cohenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

carly whitten
Cameron DiazCameron Diaz(età:42)
kate king
Leslie MannLeslie Mann(età:42)
Kate UptonKate Upton(età:22)
mark king
Nicki MinajNicki Minaj(età:32)
Taylor KinneyTaylor Kinney(età:33)
raven-haired beauty
Olivia CulpoOlivia Culpo(età:22)
frank whitten
Don JohnsonDon Johnson(età:65)
Thomas Ryan(età:150)
Deborah TwissDeborah Twiss(età:43)
Alyshia OchseAlyshia Ochse(età:34)
Shade Rupe(età:46)
Ashley Cusato(età:40)
Victor CruzVictor Cruz(età:34)
Harold Jones(età:72)
Brock Yurich(età:25)
Nadir Hasan(età:37)
Colin Bannon(età:29)
Jaclyn Keys(età:29)

Technical staff

Matthew Barrycasting
Alan Heimmontatore
Aaron ZigmanAaron Zigmanmusiche
Jacqueline Oknaiancostumista
Alyssa Winterarredatore
Jim Flynnmontatore
Paolo Niedducostumista
Nicki Ledermanntruccatore
Pat Moore-Theistruccatore
Christopher Fultonparrucchiere
Doug Husztiscenografo
Handri Gunawanparrucchiere
Stephanie Pasicovtruccatore
Robert Fraissedirettore della fotografia
Dan Davisscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2014)

Music tracks of the soundtrack