Database of cinema, music, history and literature

love in another town (1997)

Original title: love in another town
Production: USA|90 min|
Dramatic, Romantic


Lorraine Sennaregista

Production and Screenplay

H Haden yelinsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Victoria PrincipalVictoria Principal(età:47)
Victoria PrincipalVictoria Principal(età:47)
(maggie sorrell)
Adrian PasdarAdrian Pasdar(età:32)
Adrian PasdarAdrian Pasdar(età:32)
(jake cantrell)
Finn CarterFinn Carter(età:37)
Mary Kay PlaceMary Kay Place(età:50)
Terence KnoxTerence Knox(età:51)
Tobias MehlerTobias Mehler(età:21)
Anna Ferguson(età:59)

Technical staff

Lenka Svabmontatore
Ron Stannetdirettore della fotografia
Yvonne J. hurstscenografo