Database of cinema, music, history and literature

un americano a eton (1942)

Original title: a yank at eton
Production: USA|88 min| |


Norman TaurogNorman Taurogregista

Production and Screenplay

George Oppenheimersceneggiatore
Lionel Housersceneggiatore
Thomas Phippssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mickey rooney
Mickey RooneyMickey Rooney(età:22)
edmund gwenn
Edmund GwennEdmund Gwenn(età:65)
ian hunter
Ian HunterIan Hunter(età:42)
freddie bartholomew
winifred dennis carlton
Marta Linden(età:7)
jane dennis
alan mowbray
Alan MowbrayAlan Mowbray(età:46)
peter lawford
Peter LawfordPeter Lawford(età:19)
inky weeld
Alan NapierAlan Napier(età:39)
Gregg BartonGregg Barton(età:30)
Paul ScardonPaul Scardon(età:68)

Technical staff

Karl FreundKarl Freunddirettore della fotografia
Bronislau KaperBronislau Kapermusiche
ManWarren Newcombeeffetti speciali
Gile SteeleGile Steelecostumista
Albert AkstAlbert Akstmontatore
Howard ShoupHoward Shoupcostumista
Edwin B. WillisEdwin B. Willisscenografo
Charles Lawton jr.Charles Lawton jr.direttore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1942)

Massimo TurciMassimo Turci Voice of freddie bartholomew
Mauro ZambutoMauro Zambuto Voice of mickey rooney
Stefano SibaldiStefano Sibaldi Voice of alan mowbray
Corrado RaccaCorrado Racca Voice of edmund gwenn
Gianfranco BelliniGianfranco Bellini Voice of peter lawford
Giorgio CapecchiGiorgio Capecchi Voice of ian hunter