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Return Engagement [filmTV] (1978)

Original title: return engagement
Production: USA|74 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Return Engagement [filmTV]


Joseph Hardyregista

Production and Screenplay

Franklin R.levyproduttore
Mike Wiseproduttore
James Prideauxscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Peter DonatPeter Donat(età:50)
(George Riley)
Elizabeth TaylorElizabeth Taylor(età:46)
(Dr. Emily Loomis)
Joseph BottomsJoseph Bottoms(età:24)
(Stewart Anderman)
Susan BucknerSusan Buckner(età:25)
Don StarkDon Stark(età:24)
Robin Strand(età:26)
James Ray(età:46)

Technical staff

Robert RyanRobert Ryantruccatore
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Boris Levenscenografo
Sydney GuilaroffSydney Guilaroffparrucchiere
Kris Trexlermontatore
Ramsay Kingcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1978)