Database of cinema, music, history and literature

un amore senza fine (1958)

Original title: un amore senza fine
Production: Italy|90 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
a man suspects that the woman he is in love with is a surgeon's lover. in reality the poor woman is afflicted by a serious illness, which she wants to keep hidden. he will be able to heal and the two will live happily.


Mario Terribileregista
Luis Knautregista

Production and Screenplay

ManGianni Grimaldisceneggiatore
Mario Terribilesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Alberto FarneseAlberto Farnese(età:32)
(ingegner Alberto Danieli)
Carlo LombardiCarlo Lombardi(età:58)
(il chirurgo)
Luisella BoniLuisella Boni(età:23)
Nino VingelliNino Vingelli(età:46)

Technical staff

Adalberto AlbertiniAdalberto Albertinidirettore della fotografia
Carlo InnocenziCarlo Innocenzimusiche
ManIvo Battelliscenografo
Ettore Salvimontatore