Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Child's Play (1990)

Original title: child's play
Production: Spain, USA|22 min| tv series
Western, Romantic, Adventure
toronado is lost, limping in the desert, to diego's despair. a small boy finds and 'adopts' the normally indomitable stallion.


Michael Levineregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert McCulloughproduttore
Gary m. Goodmanproduttore esecutivo
Barry Rosenproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

miguel santos
Duncan RegehrDuncan Regehr(età:38)
Dougray ScottDougray Scott(età:25)
Michael TyloMichael Tylo(età:42)
James VictorJames Victor(età:51)

Technical staff

Dick Darlingmontatore
Barbara ClamanBarbara Clamancasting
Manuel Terandirettore della fotografia
Pedro Camachotruccatore
Nieves Sánchezparrucchiere
Jay Ashermusiche

Voices and Dubbing