Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Night Doctor (2020)

Original title: un médecin de nuit
82 min
Poster of movie A Night Doctor
a doctor tries to extricate himself from the stressful work of treating drug addicts, the homeless and the destitute in difficult neighborhoods at night.

Festivals and awards


Elie Wajemanregista

Production and Screenplay

Elie Wajemanscrittore
Agnès Feuvrescrittore
Georges Bermannproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ernst UmhauerErnst Umhauer(età:31)
Pio MarmaïPio Marmaï(età:36)
Lou LamprosLou Lampros(età:19)

Technical staff

Sacha Galperinemusiche
David ChizalletDavid Chizalletdirettore della fotografia
Romain Mariettiparrucchiere
Astrid Tonnellierscenografo
Julie Allionecasting
Julia Flochtruccatore