Database of cinema, music, history and literature

un piccolo grande eroe (1993)

Original title: hammers over the anvil
Production: Australia, USA|102 min| |


Ann Turnerregista

Production and Screenplay

Ann Turnersceneggiatore
Peter Hepworthsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Charlotte RamplingCharlotte Rampling(età:48)
(Grace McAlister)
Russell CroweRussell Crowe(età:29)
(East Driscoll)
Alexander Outhred
(Alan Marshall)
Frankie J. HoldenFrankie J. Holden(età:41)
('Bushman' Marshall)
Jake Frost
(Joe Carmichael)
Alethea Mcgrath(età:73)
(mrs. bilson)
John LeeJohn Lee(età:65)
(Charles McAlister)
Frank Gallacher(età:50)
(mr. thomas)
Amanda Douge
(Nellie Bolster)
Kirsty Mcgregor
(Elsie Marshall)
Daphne Grey
(mrs. herbert)
Caroline Kemp
(lucy taylo)
Wayne PygramWayne Pygram(età:34)

Technical staff

James Bartledirettore della fotografia
Ken Sallowsmontatore