Database of cinema, music, history and literature

una talpa al bioparco (2004)

Original title: una talpa al bioparco
Production: Italy
Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie una talpa al bioparco
david works at the bioparco where he looks after the pachyderms. he lives together with libero, a brother in perennial existential and university crisis. on his first appointment with martina, the veterinarian, he comes across in giorgia, a charming and aggressive girl. among the animals of the bioparco we see the representation of the bestiality of the human being. after somersaults of jealousy between martina and giorgia who face off as adversaries with spite and resentment, and after spectacular twists and turns between david and giorgia, everyone reconciles with the creation of a reception center for abused and rescued animals from illegal traffic.


Production and Screenplay

Fulvio OttavianoFulvio Ottavianosceneggiatore
Giorgio Magliuloproduttore
Giorgio Magliuloproduttore esecutivo
Stefano Solisceneggiatore
Stefano Soliscrittore
Andrea CostantiniAndrea Costantiniproduttore
Andrea CostantiniAndrea Costantiniproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Giorgia SurinaGiorgia Surina(età:29)
Fausto Maria SciarappaFausto Maria Sciarappa(età:38)
Adriano GianniniAdriano Giannini(età:33)
Luca AngelettiLuca Angeletti(età:30)
Emanuela GalliussiEmanuela Galliussi(età:24)
Sabrina SirchiaSabrina Sirchia(età:27)
Diego PagottoDiego Pagotto(età:29)
Guia ZapponiGuia Zapponi(età:27)
Fulvio PepeFulvio Pepe(età:32)

Technical staff

Stefano Falivenedirettore della fotografia
Raffaella Ragazzitruccatore
Valentina Gironomontatore
Sonu MishraSonu Mishracostumista
Valentina Girodomontatore