Database of cinema, music, history and literature

una vida: a fable of music and the mind (2014)

Original title: una vida: a fable of music and the mind
Production: USA|98 min
Dramatic, Musical
Poster of movie una vida: a fable of music and the mind
a story about a beautiful street musician suffering from memory loss and a disheartened neuroscientist intent on helping her, bringing together the city of new orleans and the jazz that made it famous.


Richie Adamsregista

Production and Screenplay

Phil Smootproduttore
Nancy Green keyesproduttore
Richie Adamsproduttore
Richie Adamssceneggiatore
Nicolas Bazanproduttore esecutivo
Nicolas Bazansceneggiatore
Brent Caballeroproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Bill CobbsBill Cobbs(età:80)
Andre RoyoAndre Royo(età:46)
Ruth NeggaRuth Negga(età:32)

Technical staff

David Rogowmontatore
Kim Martínezcostumista
Kim Colleatruccatore
Kenneth Hardyscenografo
Ashley Levytruccatore

Music tracks of the soundtrack