Database of cinema, music, history and literature

uncle joe shannon (1978)

Original title: uncle joe shannon
Production: USA|108 min
Poster of movie uncle joe shannon
a trumpet player, self-destructive after the death of his wife and child in a fire, befriends a crippled youngster and together they battle obstacles through each other's encouragement.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Burt YoungBurt Youngsceneggiatore
Burt YoungBurt Youngscrittore
Irwin Winklerproduttore
Robert Chartoffproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Bert RemsenBert Remsen(età:56)
Burt YoungBurt Young(età:38)
James KeaneJames Keane(età:26)
Larry HankinLarry Hankin(età:38)
Wayne HeffleyWayne Heffley(età:51)
Patricia Gaul(età:33)
Jason BernardJason Bernard(età:40)
Ed Call(età:29)
Med FloryMed Flory(età:52)
Virgil Frye(età:48)
Doug Mckeon(età:12)
Allan Rich(età:52)
Pat Randall(età:51)
Martin Beck(età:39)
Bobby Cassidy(età:34)
Lee Mcdonald(età:69)

Technical staff

Bill ContiBill Contimusiche
Bill ButlerBill Butlerdirettore della fotografia
Bobbie Mannixcostumista
Silvia AbascalSilvia Abascalparrucchiere
Terry Lieblingcasting