Database of cinema, music, history and literature

under the sun (1998)

Original title: under solen
Production: Sweden|130 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie under the sun
olof lives alone on a farm after the death of his mother. unable to read and write, he is dependent on his younger friend, erik. olof advertises for a housekeeper, and ellen arrives. during summer olof's heart and erik's desires develops.

Festivals and awards


Colin NutleyColin Nutleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Colin NutleyColin Nutleyproduttore
Colin NutleyColin Nutleysceneggiatore
Colin NutleyColin Nutleyscrittore
David Nealsceneggiatore
David Nealscrittore
Johanna Haldsceneggiatore
Johanna Haldscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

ellen lind
erik jonsson

Technical staff

Jens Fischerdirettore della fotografia
Bengt Fröderbergscenografo
Perry Schaffermontatore
Maria Stridtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing