Database of cinema, music, history and literature

underworld (1927)

Original title: underworld
80 min| black and white
Poster of movie underworld
boisterous gangster kingpin bull weed rehabilitates his former lawyer from his alcoholic haze, but complications arise when he falls for weed's girlfriend.

Festivals and awards


Henry HathawayHenry Hathawayregista
Arthur Rossonregista

Production and Screenplay

Ben HechtBen Hechtsceneggiatore
Ben HechtBen Hechtscrittore
Robert N. leesceneggiatore
George Marion jr.George Marion jr.sceneggiatore
Josef Von SternbergJosef Von Sternbergsceneggiatore
Charles Furthmansceneggiatore
Hector Turnbullproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

'slippy' lewis
meg mulligan
'buck' mulligan
rolls royce wensel
'feathers' mccoy
'bull' weed
Clive BrookClive Brook(età:40)
Evelyn BrentEvelyn Brent(età:28)
Fred KohlerFred Kohler(età:40)
Larry Semon(età:38)
Julian Rivero(età:37)
Shep HoughtonShep Houghton(età:13)
Jerry Mandy(età:35)
Helen LynchHelen Lynch(età:27)
Alfred Allen(età:61)

Technical staff

Bert GlennonBert Glennondirettore della fotografia
Travis BantonTravis Bantoncostumista
Hans DreierHans Dreierscenografo
Robert Israelmusiche
E. Lloyd sheldonmontatore