Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Queens of the Field (2019)

Original title: une belle équipe
Production: France|95 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Sports
Poster of movie Queens of the Field
the women in a small rural town join forces to form a football club in order to save the funding for their city's field.


Mohamed Hamidiregista

Production and Screenplay

Jamel DebbouzeJamel Debbouzeproduttore
Alain-michel Blancsceneggiatore
Mohamed Hamidisceneggiatore
Mohamed Hamididialoghi

Interpreters and Characters

André WilmsAndré Wilms(età:72)
Kad MeradKad Merad(età:55)
Laure CalamyLaure Calamy(età:44)
Oscar Copp(età:30)
David Salles(età:49)

Technical staff

Laurent Daillanddirettore della fotografia
Stanislas Reydelletscenografo
Marion Monniermontatore
Ibrahim Maaloufmusiche
Swan Phamcasting
Diane Jaureytruccatore
Fathi El aihararredatore
Nathalie Vaïssescenografo
Nina Surguinearredatore