Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Strange Affair (1981)

Original title: une étrange affaire
Production: USA|105 min
Poster of movie Strange Affair

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Alain SardeAlain Sardeproduttore
Christopher FrankChristopher Franksceneggiatore
Pierre Granier-DeferrePierre Granier-Deferresceneggiatore
Jean-marc Robertssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

bertrand malair
louis coline
Gerard LanvinGerard Lanvin(età:31)
nina coline
Nathalie BayeNathalie Baye(età:33)
françois lingre
paul belais
gérard doutre
Nicolas Vogel(età:56)

Technical staff

Philippe SardePhilippe Sardemusiche
Dominique Andréscenografo
Etienne BeckerEtienne Beckerdirettore della fotografia
Eric Mullertruccatore
Fanny Jakubowiczcostumista