Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Una vita violenta (2017)

Original title: une vie violente
Production: France|107 min
Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie Una vita violenta
stephane moves to paris to flee his past. the death of a former comrade brings back memories of his transformation from a middle class youth with conventional aspirations to a radicalized activist with dangerous ties. stephane returns to corsica for his friend's funeral, knowing that this trip could cost him his life.


Production and Screenplay

Guillaume Bréaudsceneggiatore
ManThierry De Perettisceneggiatore
Jean-Étienne Bratproduttore
Olivier Pèreproduttore
Frédéric Jouveproduttore
Marie Lecoqproduttore
Rémi Burahproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Marion Monniermontatore
Claire Mathondirettore della fotografia
Toma Baqueniarredatore
Julie Allionecasting
Rachel Raoultcostumista
Manon Lutaniescenografo