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UnEasy Riders (2000)

Original title: nationale 7
Production: France|90 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie UnEasy Riders
rené is fifty years old and a very serious form of progressive muscle paralysis. he's an irascible grumpy and has only one desire: to make love once before it's too late. nurse julie takes her case to heart and starts wandering around to find an available prostitute.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jacques Fanstenproduttore
Pierre Chevalierproduttore
Jean-Pierre SinapiJean-Pierre Sinapisceneggiatore
Anne-Marie Catoissceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Julie, infermiera

Technical staff

Jean-Paul Meurissedirettore della fotografia
Catherine Schwartzmontatore
Jean-Noel Borecekscenografo
Erminia Sinapiscenografo
Valérie Denieulcostumista
Christelle Loisontruccatore