Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Unexpected Guest (1947)

Original title: unexpected guest
61 min| black and white
Western, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie Unexpected Guest
This movie is episode 57 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore
Ande Lambsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Hopalong Cassidy
California Carlson
Lucky Jenkins
Rand BrooksRand Brooks(età:29)
Matilda Hackett
Una O'connorUna O'connor(età:67)
Nedrick Young(età:33)
John Parrish(età:51)
Earle HodginsEarle Hodgins(età:54)
Clem FullerClem Fuller(età:39)
Joel Friedkin(età:62)
William Ruhl(età:46)

Technical staff

David ChudnowDavid Chudnowmusiche
Mack Stenglerdirettore della fotografia
Harvey T. gillettscenografo
George Mitchellarredatore