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Caught in the Foreign Legion (1950)

Original title: uniformes et grandes manoeuvres
Production: France|72 min| black and white
Comedy, Comic, Equivocations
Poster of movie Caught in the Foreign Legion


Production and Screenplay

Jean Mansedialoghi
Gérard Carliersceneggiatore
Roger de Broinproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

'duca di Miramar'
Robert Seller(età:61)
Therese Dorny(età:59)
Luc Andrieux(età:33)
Julien Maffre(età:48)

Technical staff

Monique Isnardonmontatore
Robert Isnardonmontatore
Paul-louis Boutiéscenografo
Paul-louis Boutiéarredatore
Pierre Leventdirettore della fotografia
Roger Dumasmusiche

Voices and Dubbing