Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Taking of Dick McWilliams (1981)

Original title: the taking of dick mcwilliams
Production: USA|49 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Crime
dick mcwilliams, an old military buddy of magnum's has been kidnapped. dick's japanese wife mitsu ask tm to drop the ransom without informing the police or her father, who never approved of the marriage in the first place.


Winrich KolbeWinrich Kolberegista

Production and Screenplay

Donald P.bellisarioDonald P.bellisarioproduttore esecutivo
Douglas Greenproduttore
Andrew Schneiderproduttore
Gilbert M. Shiltonproduttore
Diane Frolovscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Larry ManettiLarry Manetti(età:34)
Tom SelleckTom Selleck(età:36)
Guy StockwellGuy Stockwell(età:48)
John FujiokaJohn Fujioka(età:56)
Moe Keale(età:42)

Technical staff

Jack HoganJack Hogancasting
Pete CarpenterPete Carpentermusiche
Mike PostMike Postmusiche
Woody Omensdirettore della fotografia
Mark Maliscasting
Louis Montejanoscenografo
Bob Kageymontatore
Jan van Uchelenparrucchiere
Buck Henshawarredatore