Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Unser täglich Brot (2005)

Original title: unser täglich brot
Production: Germany|92 min
Poster of movie Unser täglich Brot
our daily bread is a wide-screen tableau of a feast which isn't always easy to digest - and in which we all take part. a pure, meticulous and high-end film experience that enables the audience to form their own ideas.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Wolfgang Widerhoferproduttore
Wolfgang Widerhofersceneggiatore
Nikolaus Geyrhalterproduttore
Nikolaus Geyrhaltersceneggiatore
Michael Kitzbergerproduttore
Markus Glaserproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Nikolaus Geyrhalterdirettore della fotografia