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Urban Safari [filmTV] (1995)

Original title: urban safari
Production: Canada, Switzerland| tv movie
Poster of movie Urban Safari [filmTV]
the johnsons' scheme of keeping up appearances to fit in with nyc's high society hits a snag when they lie about going on an african safari. various unwanted characters show up to use their 'empty' apartment forcing them to hide from them.


Reto Salimbeniregista

Production and Screenplay

Reto Salimbeniproduttore esecutivo
Reto Salimbeniscrittore
Michael Collierproduttore esecutivo
Martin Schmassmannproduttore
Alfred Nathanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jay BrazeauJay Brazeau(età:42)
Barry PepperBarry Pepper(età:25)
Linda KashLinda Kash(età:34)
Teryl RotheryTeryl Rothery(età:33)
Joely CollinsJoely Collins(età:23)
Jed Rees(età:25)
Darren Moore(età:21)
David Palffy(età:26)

Technical staff

Vic Sarindirettore della fotografia
Brahm Wengermusiche
Jana Fritschmontatore
Michelle Hrescaktruccatore
Jacky Wilkinsontruccatore
David Elliscostumista
Peter Hintonscenografo
Sherry Anne rossparrucchiere