Database of cinema, music, history and literature

v for vendetta (2005)

Original title: v for vendetta
Production: Germany, UK, USA|132 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Action, Science fiction
Poster of movie v for vendetta

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


James McteigueJames Mcteigueregista

Production and Screenplay

Larry WachowskiLarry Wachowskisceneggiatore
Andy WachowskiAndy Wachowskisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

evey hammond
eric finch
Stephen ReaStephen Rea(età:62)
peter creedy
adam sutler
John HurtJohn Hurt(età:65)
gordon deitrich
Stephen FryStephen Fry(età:48)
dominic stone
Rupert GravesRupert Graves(età:42)
lewis prothero
Roger AllamRoger Allam(età:52)
roger dascombe
Ben MilesBen Miles(età:38)
delia surridge
Sinead CusackSinead Cusack(età:57)
valerie page
valerie page (giovane)
Imogen PootsImogen Poots(età:16)
vescovo anthony james lilliman
John StandingJohn Standing(età:71)
brian etheridge
Eddie MarsanEddie Marsan(età:37)
guy fawkes
sosia di adam sutler/generale
Hugo WeavingHugo Weaving(età:45)
Julie Brown(età:51)
John RinghamJohn Ringham(età:77)
Guy HenryGuy Henry(età:45)

Technical staff

Adrian BiddleAdrian Biddledirettore della fotografia
Martin WalshMartin Walshmontatore
Owen Patersonscenografo
Sammy Sheldoncostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)

Tonino AccollaTonino Accolla Voice of sosia di adam sutler/generale

Music tracks of the soundtrack