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vampire sisters (2012)

Original title: die vampirschwestern
Production: Germany|97 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Fantasy
Poster of movie vampire sisters
a tale of two 12-year-old vampire sisters who have to adapt to the human world after their family decides to emigrate to germany.
This movie is episode 1 of the series vampirschwestern composed by:


Wolfgang Groosregista

Production and Screenplay

Ulrike Putzproduttore
Jens OberwetterJens Oberwetterproduttore
Jakob Claussenproduttore
Ursula Grubersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

silvania tepes
elvira tepes
nikahi tepes
Stipe Erceg(età:38)
ali bin shiek
Richy MüllerRichy Müller(età:57)
dirk van kombast
dakaria tepes
Jamie BickJamie Bick(età:12)

Technical staff

Daniela Tolkeincasting
Bernhard Jasperdirettore della fotografia
Georg Korpastruccatore
Anke Wincklercostumista
Stefan Esslmontatore
Ralf Schreckscenografo
Franziska Rödertruccatore
Dorothea Goldfusstruccatore
Helmut Zerlettmusiche
Anette Ingerlscenografo
Kathrin Bornmüllertruccatore
Bettina Morellscenografo

Music tracks of the soundtrack