Database of cinema, music, history and literature

varichina-the true story of the fake life of lorenzo de santis (2016)

Original title: varichina - la vera storia della finta vita di lorenzo de santis
Production: Italy|53 min
Documentary, Comedy, Historical
Poster of movie varichina-the true story of the fake life of lorenzo de santis
the astonished story of the first omosexual in bari, a town in apulia, in the south of italy, in '70's.


Antonio PalumboAntonio Palumboregista
Antonio PalumboAntonio Palumboregista

Production and Screenplay

Antonio PalumboAntonio Palumboscrittore
Daniele Basilioproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ketty Volpe(età:54)
lorenzo de santis bambino
lorenzo de santis

Technical staff

Marianna SciveresMarianna Sciveresscenografo
Francesca Allegramontatore
Luca La Vopadirettore della fotografia