Database of cinema, music, history and literature

venom (1981)

Original title: venom
Production: UK|93 min|
Thriller, Fantasy


Tobe HooperTobe Hooperregista
Jim Gillespieregista
Piers Haggardregista

Production and Screenplay

Jim Gillespiesceneggiatore
Robert Carringtonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Klaus KinskiKlaus Kinski(età:55)
(jacques müller (jacmel))
Oliver ReedOliver Reed(età:43)
(dave averconnelly)
Nicol Williamson(età:42)
(cmdr. william bulloch)
Sarah MilesSarah Miles(età:40)
(Sarah Miles)
Sterling HaydenSterling Hayden(età:65)
(howard anderson)
Cornelia SharpeCornelia Sharpe(età:34)
(ruth hopkins)
Lance Holcomb
(philip hopkins)
Susan GeorgeSusan George(età:31)
(louise andrews)
Mike Gwilym(età:32)
(det. constable dan spencer)
Paul Williamson
(det. sgt. glazer)
Michael GoughMichael Gough(età:65)
(david ball)
Hugh Lloyd(età:58)
(Taxi Driver)
Rita Webb(età:77)
(mrs. loewenthal)
Edward HardwickeEdward Hardwicke(età:49)
(lord dunning)
Ian Brimble
(constable in police station)
Peter Porteous(età:51)
Maurice Colbourne(età:42)
Nicholas DonnellyNicholas Donnelly
Cyril Conway(età:68)
(man in #17)
Sally LaheeSally Lahee
(woman in #17)
David Sterne
Howard Bell
Alan Ford (attore)(età:43)
Norman Mann
Tony Meyer(età:34)
Gerard Ryder(età:31)
Moti Makan
(mr. mukerjee)
Eric RichardEric Richard(età:41)
(airline clerk)
sgt. nash
driver's mate
susan stowe
head waiter
oliver reed
nicol williamson
sterling hayden
cornelia sharpe
moti makan
katherine wilkinson
arnold diamond
Method ManMethod Man(età:10)

Technical staff

Michael KamenMichael Kamenmusiche
Michael Bradsellmontatore
Gil TaylorGil Taylordirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1981)

Laura BoccaneraLaura Boccanera Voice of katherine wilkinson
Maria Pia Di MeoMaria Pia Di Meo Voice of cornelia sharpe
Manlio De AngelisManlio De Angelis Voice of nicol williamson
Arturo DominiciArturo Dominici Voice of arnold diamond
Rossella IzzoRossella Izzo Voice of Susan George
Paila PavesePaila Pavese Voice of Sarah Miles
Renato IzzoRenato Izzo Voice of Klaus Kinski
Gianni MarzocchiGianni Marzocchi Voice of moti makan
Sergio FiorentiniSergio Fiorentini Voice of sterling hayden
Glauco OnoratoGlauco Onorato Voice of oliver reed