Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Vincent n'a pas d'écailles (2014)

Original title: vincent n'a pas d'écailles
Production: France|78 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Fantasy
Poster of movie Vincent n'a pas d'écailles
vincent is a quiet, unassuming man. who happens to have superhuman powers when exposed to water. he lives a life that keeps him away from others for the most part. then he meets a girl. then his powers are discovered. and his life changes.

Festivals and awards


Thomas Salvadorregista

Production and Screenplay

Thomas Bidegainsceneggiatore
Thomas Salvadorsceneggiatore
Thomas Cheyssonsceneggiatore
Julie Salvadorproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Vimala PonsVimala Pons(età:28)
Youssef Hajdi(età:35)
Nina MeurisseNina Meurisse(età:26)

Technical staff

Alexis Kavyrchinedirettore della fotografia
Guillaume Saignolmontatore
Samantha Mugnierscenografo
Alice Cambournaccostumista
Laetitia Billetruccatore