Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Thief (1997)

Original title: vor
Production: France, Russia|96 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Crime
Poster of movie The Thief
a woman meets a man who isn't the right man for her - but she hasn't realised it yet...

Festivals and awards


Pavel Chukhrayregista

Production and Screenplay

Igor Tolstunovproduttore
Raphaël Berdugoproduttore
Pavel Chukhraysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

Vladimir Klimovdirettore della fotografia
Victor Petrovscenografo
Natalia Kucherenkomontatore
Viktor Petrovscenografo
Natalya Kucherenkomontatore
Nina Kolodkinatruccatore
Andrey Bessolitsynarredatore