wake island (1942)
Original title: wake island
Production: USA|87 min|
Festivals and awards
Oscar 1943 - nomination migliore sceneggiatura originale
Assigned to: Frank Butler, William Riley Burnett
Assigned to: Frank Butler, William Riley Burnett

Production and Screenplay

Joseph Sistrom: produttore
Characters and Interpreters
brian donlevy

macdonald carey

robert preston

william bendix

albert dekker

walter abel

mikhail rasumny
Mikhail Rasumny(età:52)
rod cameron

bill goodwin

damian o'flynn

frank albertson

holly bane

hugh beaumont

barbara britton

hillary brooke

james brown

robert carson

don castle

luke chan
Luke Chan(età:46)
spencer chan
Spencer Chan(età:50)
jack chapin
Jack Chapin(età:33)
dane clark

russ clark
Russ Clark(età:49)
max cole
Max Cole(età:27)
chuck connors

angelo cruz
lester dorr

edward earle

mary field

charles flynn
Charles Flynn(età:22)
william forrest

paul fung
Paul Fung(età:39)
edmund glover
Edmund Glover(età:31)
Fred graham

alan hale jr.

earle 'tex' harris
sam hayes
Sam Hayes(età:38)
mitchell ingraham
Mitchell Ingraham(età:70)
jerry jerome
Jerry Jerome(età:30)
marvin jones
Marvin Jones(età:20)
pete g. katchenaro
mike lally



Technical staff

Bertram C.granger: scenografo

Theodor Sparkuhl: direttore della fotografia
John Morris foster: costumista
Pat Williams: costumista
Robert Ewing: truccatore
Le Roy stone: montatore
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(1942)