Database of cinema, music, history and literature

wallace and gromit: the curse of the were-rabbit (2005)

Original title: wallace and gromit: the curse of the were-rabbit
Production: UK, USA|85 min
Action, Animation, Thriller, Science fiction, Comedy
Poster of movie wallace and gromit: the curse of the were-rabbit
wallace and his loyal dog, gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest.
This movie is episode 4 of the series wallace e gromit(wallace and gromit)(wallace and gromit) composed by:

Festivals and awards


Nick ParkNick Parkregista
Steve Boxregista

Production and Screenplay

Nick ParkNick Parkproduttore
Nick ParkNick Parksceneggiatore
Bob Bakersceneggiatore
Peter Lordproduttore
Carla Shelleyproduttore
Michael RoseMichael Roseproduttore esecutivo
David Sproxtonproduttore
Steve Boxsceneggiatore
Mark Burton (regista)Mark Burton (regista)sceneggiatore
Cecil Kramerproduttore esecutivo
Claire Jenningsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

lord victor quartermaine
lady campanula tottington
agente mcintosh
reverendo clement hedges
mrs. mulch
lady tottington
mr. windfall
miss blight
mr. caliche
miss thripp
mr. growbag
mr. mulch
mr. crock
mrs. girdling
mr. leaching
additional voice

Technical staff

Julian Nottmusiche
Tristan Oliverdirettore della fotografia
Gregory Perlermontatore
Dave Alex riddettdirettore della fotografia
David Mccormickmontatore
Matt Perryscenografo
Sarah Hauldrenscenografo
Phil Lewisscenografo
Jennifer Duffycasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)

Danilo De GirolamoDanilo De Girolamo Voice of wallace/cuccio
Giorgio LopezGiorgio Lopez Voice of reverendo clement hedges
Angelo MaggiAngelo Maggi Voice of agente mcintosh
Giò Giò RapattoniGiò Giò Rapattoni Voice of lady tottington
Roberto PediciniRoberto Pedicini Voice of lord victor quartermaine
Angiolina QuinternoAngiolina Quinterno Voice of mrs. mulch

Version Originale(2005)

Helena Bonham carterHelena Bonham carter Voice of lady campanula tottington
Ralph FiennesRalph Fiennes Voice of lord victor quartermaine
Liz SmithLiz Smith Voice of mrs. mulch
Peter SallisPeter Sallis Voice of wallace/cuccio
Nicholas Smith Voice of reverendo clement hedges
Peter KayPeter Kay Voice of agente mcintosh