Database of cinema, music, history and literature

waltzing regitze (1989)

Original title: dansen med regitze
Production: Denmark
Poster of movie waltzing regitze
the active regitze and passive karl aage have a party with friends and family at their allotment garden. he reminisces his life with her from meeting her during wwii, having a son, the son graduating, etc. up to present day.

Festivals and awards


Kaspar Rostrupregista

Production and Screenplay

Kaspar Rostrupsceneggiatore
Kaspar Rostrupscrittore
Karen Bentzonsceneggiatore
Karen Bentzonscrittore
Lars Kolvigproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

karl aage
Frits Helmuth(età:58)
giovane karl aage
Ghita NørbyGhita Nørby(età:54)
giovane regitze
Rikke Bendsen(età:28)
Else Petersen(età:79)
Tove Maës(età:68)
Birgit Zinn(età:53)
Torben Jensen(età:45)
Anne Fletting(età:29)
Nanna Møller(età:31)

Technical staff

Annelise Haubergcostumista
Grete Møldrupmontatore
Henning Bahsscenografo
Henning Bahsarredatore
Claus Loofdirettore della fotografia
Birthe Lyngsøetruccatore
Ole Glæsnercostumista