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warlock 3: the end of innocence (1999)

Original title: warlock 3: the end of innocence
Production: USA|94 min| tv series|
Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Poster of movie warlock 3: the end of innocence
This movie is episode 3 of the series warlock composed by:


Dyan CannonDyan Cannonregista
Eric Freiserregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Aminproduttore esecutivo
Eric Freiserscrittore
Ralph RieckermannRalph Rieckermannproduttore esecutivo
John Bradyproduttore
Bruce David eisenproduttore
Bruce David eisenscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Boti BlissBoti Bliss(età:24)
Rick Hearst(età:34)

Technical staff

David Reynoldsmusiche
Robert HallRobert Halltruccatore
Ken Culvertruccatore
Steve Lawtonscenografo
Robin Nassifcasting
Ian Bailiescenografo
Anthony Gaillardtruccatore
Greg Fintonmontatore