Database of cinema, music, history and literature

We the Animals (2018)

Original title: we the animals
Production: USA|94 min
Poster of movie We the Animals
manny, joel, and jonah tear their way through childhood and push against the volatile love of their parents. as manny and joel grow into versions of their father and ma dreams of escape, jonah embraces an imagined world all on his own.

Origin of the subject


Jeremiah Zagarregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul S.mezeyproduttore
Philipp Engelhornproduttore esecutivo
Jeremy Yachesproduttore
Michael Raislerproduttore esecutivo
Andrew Goldmanproduttore
Jason Reifproduttore
Christina D. kingproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Sheila VandSheila Vand(età:33)

Technical staff

Keiko Deguchimontatore
Ann Gouldercasting
Brian A. Katesmontatore
Anouck Sullivantruccatore
Nick Zammutomusiche
Lance Mitchellscenografo
Kristen Alimenatruccatore
Katie Hickmanscenografo
Felicia Nelsonparrucchiere
Emily Batsoncostumista
Melanie Merrillscenografo
Zak Mulligandirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2018)