Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Wesele (2004)

Original title: wesele
109 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie Wesele
a wealthy small-town wiseguy organizes the wedding party for his daughter. as the party begins, unexpected events start to occur and disturb the party for the hosts and guests alike.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Wojciech Smarzowskisceneggiatore
Bartlomiej Topaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lech Dyblik(età:48)
Iwona BielskaIwona Bielska(età:52)
Maciej StuhrMaciej Stuhr(età:29)
Pawel Wilczak(età:39)
Tomasz SaprykTomasz Sapryk(età:38)

Technical staff

Janusz KalejaJanusz Kalejatruccatore
Tymon Tymanskimusiche
Andrzej Szulkowskidirettore della fotografia
Pawel Laskowskimontatore
Barbara Ostapowiczscenografo
Barbara Ostapowiczarredatore
Jadwiga Cichockatruccatore
Ewa Drobiectruccatore