what's the worst that could happen ? (2001)
Original title: what's the worst that could happen?
Production: USA|97 min|
the professional thief kevin caffrey sneaks into the seafront town of fairbanks, believing it uninhabited. instead, the businessman is having a good time in the bathtub with miss september. fairbanks, not content with having neutralized the intruder, also takes off his lucky ring and turns it into a reimbursement for the lack of adventure. it will be the beginning of a war with no holds barred.
Origin of the subject
Sam Weisman: regista
Production and Screenplay
Matthew Chapman: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
kevin caffery
Martin Lawrence(età:36)
max fairbanks
Danny DeVito(età:57)
John Leguizamo(età:37)
uncle jack
Bernie Mac(età:43)
lutetia fairbanks
Nora Dunn(età:49)
amber belhaven
Carmen Ejogo(età:28)
Glenne Headly(età:46)
earl radburn
Larry Miller(età:48)
detective alex tardio
William Fichtner(età:45)
tracey kimberly
Sascha Knopf(età:30)
walter greenbaum
Richard Schiff(età:46)
ann marie
Ana Gasteyer(età:34)
shelly nix
Lenny Clarke(età:48)
Siobhan Fallon(età:40)
Kevin Chapman(età:39)
kevin caffrey
Technical staff
Jeffrey Kurland: costumista
Garth Craven: montatore
Nick Moore: montatore
Tyler Bates: musiche
Anastas N. Michos: direttore della fotografia
John Axelrad: montatore
Howard Cummings rolla: scenografo
Nick Moore shore: montatore
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2001)
Cristina Boraschi Voice of Carmen Ejogo
Marco Guadagno Voice of John Leguizamo
Stefanella Marrama Voice of Siobhan Fallon
Sergio Di Stefano Voice of William Fichtner
Simone Mori Voice of Bernie Mac
Massimo De Ambrosis Voice of kevin caffrey
Dario Penne Voice of Lenny Clarke
Nino Prester Voice of Richard Schiff
Rita Savagnone Voice of Nora Dunn
Giorgio Lopez Voice of Danny DeVito
Tiziana Avarista Voice of Glenne Headly