Database of cinema, music, history and literature

when you're in love (1937)

Original title: when you're in love
Production: USA|110 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Comedy


Harry Lachmanregista
Robert RiskinRobert Riskinregista
Luis BunuelLuis Bunuelregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert RiskinRobert Riskinsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

cary grant
Cary GrantCary Grant(età:33)
grace moore
Grace MooreGrace Moore(età:39)
thomas mitchell
aline macmahon
Aline McmahonAline Mcmahon(età:38)
henry stephenson
catherine doucet
luis alberni
Luis AlberniLuis Alberni(età:51)
gerald oliver smith
emma dunn
Emma DunnEmma Dunn(età:62)
george c. pearce
frank puglia
Frank PugliaFrank Puglia(età:45)
Louise BrooksLouise Brooks(età:31)

Technical staff

Alfred NewmanAlfred Newmanmusiche
Gene MilfordGene Milfordmontatore
Joseph WalkerJoseph Walkerdirettore della fotografia
Bernard Newmancostumista
Stephe Goosonscenografo