Database of cinema, music, history and literature

whisky a mezzogiorno (1962)

Original title: whisky a mezzogiorno
Production: Italy|100 min|
Dramatic, Romantic
thanks to a friendship with a young man from the 'good milan', a boy of modest social backgrounds has the illusion of being able to join a new world by marrying a rich girl he has known.


Oscar De finaregista

Production and Screenplay

Enzo Barbierisceneggiatore
Carlo Maria Pensasceneggiatore
Vittorio Catalanosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Nino BesozziNino Besozzi(età:61)
Corrado PaniCorrado Pani(età:26)
Olga Gherardi(età:28)
Lida FerroLida Ferro(età:47)

Technical staff

Gian Maria Rimoldidirettore della fotografia