Database of cinema, music, history and literature

white mischief (1987)

Original title: white mischief
Production: UK|106 min|
Dramatic, Romantic, Psychological
Poster of movie white mischief
in 1941 sir delves broughton and his young wife diana landed in mombasa, kenya. after settling into a beautiful victorian-style villa, the spouses begin attending the british colony stationed in nairobi. it is here that diana meets the charming lord erroll, surrounded by the reputation of an impenitent seducer. given the considerable age difference with her husband, it is almost inevitable that the woman will fall in love with erroll. sir delves first pretends not to see, but when the two lovers announce their intention of going to live together, he accepts the bad luck with dignified resignation, even organizing a dinner to celebrate. in the night, erroll is killed and sir broughton is accused of the crime. at the trial he will be acquitted, but he will commit suicide in the face of diana's decision to abandon him.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Michael RadfordMichael Radfordregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael RadfordMichael Radfordsceneggiatore
Michael Whiteproduttore esecutivo
Jonathan Gemssceneggiatore
Michael Redfordsceneggiatore
Simon Perryproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Greta ScacchiGreta Scacchi(età:27)
(Diana Broughton)
Joss AcklandJoss Ackland(età:59)
(sir Delves Broughton)
Charles DanceCharles Dance(età:41)
(Lord Erroll)
Sarah MilesSarah Miles(età:46)
(Alice De Trafford)
John HurtJohn Hurt(età:47)
(Gilbert Colvile)
Trevor HowardTrevor Howard(età:74)
(Jack Soames)
Geraldine ChaplinGeraldine Chaplin(età:43)
(Nina Soames)
Hugh GrantHugh Grant(età:27)
Ray McanallyRay Mcanally(età:61)
Gregor FisherGregor Fisher(età:34)
Murray HeadMurray Head(età:41)
Ron DonachieRon Donachie(età:31)
Alan DobieAlan Dobie(età:55)

Technical staff

George FentonGeorge Fentonmusiche
Tom Priestleymontatore
Roger A. DeakinsRoger A. Deakinsdirettore della fotografia
Marit Allencostumista
Roger Hallscenografo